Wednesday Humor: Scaramucci Says Trump ‘Most Pro-LGBTQ President In History’

Well, it looks like Anthony Scaramucci might have forgotten one tweet in the effort to purge his Twitter account of any and all Trump criticism. Either that, or he's learning what it's like to be the communications director for a President who can't keep his message straight. Because... well... because look at this from February... Yes, "why's that story not written in the mainstream media?" Oh, that's right, this is why... From earlier Ok, here's the thing. If you are a Boy Scout and

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One thought on “Wednesday Humor: Scaramucci Says Trump ‘Most Pro-LGBTQ President In History’

  1. this “decision/discussion” was postponed until Jan 2018 and he is a liar to say “after consulting with his generals and military experts” – they were all caught off guard with this tweet– imagine a “tweet” to deliver such incredible news? No clues on how they will deal with current enlistments.

    This is yet another deflection to take attention off the Russian investigation as the hot topic on the news outlets. AND, a bonus, it feeds that insatiable obsession of overturn everything Obama did before he left office. Day in day out, it is Obama, Hillary, and Sessions, fake news, Obamacare …… I think his next target will Rex Tillerson.

    – Murphy