What Kind Of Crook Is Donald Trump?

********* Excerpted from a longer piece by Susan Hennessey and Benjamin Wittes for Lawfare/Foreign Policy Over the past couple of weeks, the prevailing meme among some Donald Trump-defending reporters and commentators has shifted in a subtle but important way. For months, such folks have hewed to the line that no evidence had yet surfaced of “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Now, they say, collusion wouldn’t

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6 thoughts on “What Kind Of Crook Is Donald Trump?

  1. Definitions. it’s all about definitions. Red Herring: something that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting.

    If Fox or some other con starts off with a misleading proposition, you end up being misled.

    Collusion. A noun. There are no such crime. Merely a label of no significance. Call it collusion, claim there is none, and therefore there’s no crime. Red Herring.

    To focus on the hacking: If Russian agents hacked into computers in the US as part of a design to facilitate Trump’s election in 2016, and as part of that design, Trump individually or by and through his agents, confederates or co-conspirators took overt steps to further and/or aid or abet the Russians in their design, then all of them are potentially criminally liable for having violated Federal (18 U.S. Code §1030 et seq.) and state felony hacking laws in the various states where the computers were located.

    This Intercept article using a leaked top-secret National Security Agency document, provides a window into what the mechanics of the Russian hacking looked like and an indication of some of the states that may have been impacted by the Russian hacking.


  2. If some Russian fertilizer dealer pays way more than my property is worth and then his plane is showing up next to mine throughout the campaign, and if the property was soon demolished after purchase, then I think somebody should tell the whole story, especially the part about arms length transactions. And if Eric brags about Russian sources of funds a few years ago, and today there is no such thing, then that conflict should be resolved. How did Al Cappone end up in jail? Collusion might be the wrong emphasis.

    1. Fox might as well have called it cruising. There’s no evidence of Trump cruising with the Russians, and even if there was evidence of Trump cruising with the Russians, it’s not a crime. Well, that’s right. I can agree with that as well. Fox truly is one of the best reality TV shows around.

      Doe anyone know what % of Fox audience believes that the moon landing took place in a studio in Atlanta?; that Area 54 in N.M., houses most but not all of the alien visitors to our planet?; believe WMDs still remain in Iraq?; are convinced Trump won the popular vote by 3,000,000 million?; and, that the Russians did not attempt to interfere with the 2016 election?

      1. My psycho ex-friend that freaked out on me the other day — I wrote about it here — he said every day the Russians interfering in our election was totally fake news. AND that Trump did actually win popular vote due to all the illegal votes they counted for her! And the big news….. he didn’t even go vote because he was certain Hillary would win anyway. Didn’t even vote and fighting like a crazy man.

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