Qatar Hits Back: “The Better Question” Is Why You Guys Did 9/11
Last week in "U.A.E Thinks It’s Bullshit That Qatar Spends Its Empire State Building Profits On Al-Qaeda," we highlighted a truly absurd WSJ Op-Ed penned by the United Arab Emirates’ ambassador to the U.S., Yousef Al Otaiba.
In his piece, Ambassador Otaiba perpetuates the ridiculous idea that everyone but Qatar is all aboard the "eradicate Sunni extremism" train, when in fact, the number-one exporter and sponsor of the ideology espoused by groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS is Riyadh, the rin
Capitalism, Democracy and the Anglo Zionist are the biggest Terrorist in history. Ground Hog Day seems to be 1984, Orwell . Trouble is by 2050 these mother fuckers will put the world at 500ppm CO2 and destroy our unborn children’s future, then when and hopefully not, at 600ppm our life support systems will struggle to cope, mainly because of the shear speed of the change.Economic, Energy, Environmental,and Engineering systems will collapse, the elite have not truly grasped the reality of the situation that the most beautiful planet in the Milky Way is in.