Paris Accord Satire: “Earth Is A Loser Planet – Maybe The Worst In The Solar System”

On Thursday evening we explained, with a little help from WaPo’s Alexandra Petri, why America's exit from the Paris Accord was unequivocally a positive development. See the thing is, planet Earth is a veritable orgy of excess. Everywhere you look nature is flaunting its wealth and then turning around and asking Americans to make cuts so it (nature) can continue to splurge. I mean what are we really doing by curbing carbon emissions other than subsidizing nature's out-of-control excessiven

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3 thoughts on “Paris Accord Satire: “Earth Is A Loser Planet – Maybe The Worst In The Solar System”

  1. Yes, our planet doesn’t give a sh*t about us one way or another. Another extinction is just a long re-balancing of events without all the “noise” of obfuscation vs the clear science of knowledge. Myth, religion, denial, ignorance, stupidity, $$$$$, power, lies all continue to prevail as our planet reacts to our treatment of it. Earth will have the last word on our survival, it’s just a FACT.

    Does anyone REALLY think 7.5 billion people (and rising) is not having any effect on the outcome? Population is the 800 lb gorilla (if we can still find one) in this discussion …….wait for it……..what discussion??? With few exceptions hardly anyone will take on the biggest problem of our time, “there are too many people on our planet to sustain it”. Wars will be fought over food, water, land and of course (the always present scourge) religion. Reason: Over-population. Climate issues well into our future Reason: over-population.

    Almost any global problem you can think of has a direct link to over-population. Religion is the problem not a solution, if you can’t afford to raise a child don’t have one, simple right. Religious BS which has no basis in fact, no matter how much many people want to BELIEVE it does keeps this much needed discussion from happening.

    We need serious leaders (ha,ha,ha) no matter how they look, no matter what language they speak, no matter what sex they are, no matter which god they believe in to take this on if not Over-population will eventually kill us all. Sorry, just a simple FACT.

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