As North Korea Fires Missile, Here’s What Kim Jong-Un Doesn’t Seem To Get
I'll confess that at this point, I'm not entirely sure what Pyongyang is thinking.
There's always been this kind of tacit understanding that the regime in North Korea is "entitled" (if you want to call it that) to a little bombast here and there. They're even allowed to get away with a missile launch (or 75 in the case on Kim Jong-Un), a nuclear test once in a while, and rampant human rights abuses.
Why? Because this is a hermit state. North Koreans are insulated from the outside world and th
They are both lunatics and we all know it! If Trump fires on N Korea without approval, he needs to be hauled out of the WH. Clearly these test shots by dum fuc are not serious threats and if we are lucky, one of his missiles will land somewhere within N Korea and that will be that, no more problem. Trump pisses everyone off and no one wants to back down from an ignorant bully. But he better suck it up and turn his back.
“Congress shall have the power to declare war,” said some meaningless crank once back in the 1700s, obviously without thinking through the implications of such an absurd check on the power of a hypothetical insane future executive.
exactly – so the insane executive cannot proceed without approval from Congress and they will not vote in favor of invading N Korea!
NK is just doing what it said it would, that’s keeping the peace as opposed to emboldening its enemy by appearing timid
Bluff and Muff, he goes down on both.
hahaha but not sure about the Muff part……he has a serious issue about “germs” — remember he found it “disgusting” that Hillary had to pee during a break in the debates. Plus a good narcissist only cares about himself!