North Korea: “We Will Go To War” With “Gang Of Cruel Robbers” In US
One of the things that gets lost in the incessant media coverage of escalating tensions in the Korean Peninsula is that this isn't new.
That's not to say it isn't newsworthy or that there isn't a real threat here. But do note that Trump is playing right into Pyongyang's hands with all the tweets and "looking for trouble" soundbites.
That is, "yes" Donald Trump, Kim is "looking for trouble." But not real trouble. Just enough trouble to help him perpetuate the myth that his country matters on
“that someone could miscalculate and render my assessment tragically wrong”
I would posit that someone could be Donald Trump. Kim I am not worried about, he is just playing a game to fool his own people. But I think Trump is worried about being labeled an epic fail. Which means that if NK goes ahead with nuclear test he just might rain down Tomahawks on the test site. Worked to change the narrative last time. Keep in mind that NK has enough conventional artillery in place to light up Seoul like a candle. That is the real threat, not the technology jokes that NK does.
Why escalate any situation with a foolish child, no not Kim the other foolish child.
Guess it depends on who wants priority rule over the sandbox.
Come on kiddies recess is almost over.
I wasn’t very worried about North Korea, but now am terrified to hear that they might ally with the Beltway Bandit cruel robbers.
problem is Kim and Donnie are exactly the same – both want to be considered exceptional and to be feared