“Every Day It’s Something New” – White House Scrambles To Deny “Toxic” Rumors

Do you fancy yourself a silly person? No? I didn't think so. Which is why I can depend on you to see the proverbial writing when it's on the proverbial wall, right? Good. Because clearly, we've seen a complete rethink from the Trump administration over the past week. Devin Nunes, who was supposed to be the linchpin in the effort to prove that the "real story" is not the Trump campaign's ties to Moscow, but in fact the Obama administration's improper surveillance: recuses himself from the

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4 thoughts on ““Every Day It’s Something New” – White House Scrambles To Deny “Toxic” Rumors

  1. Where is Kellyanne Conway? Not that I miss her. Has she been pulled by the administrations or banned by the networks? She’s gone from Trump’s White House wife to total invisibility.

  2. How long will “wearing the big boy pants” last? This is the critical question for the Trump Administration. Look, I think this/these people are NOT good for our country on so many levels and they probably broke laws,are sleazy, and want total power over our population and always the $$$$$ (privatize the PROFITS and socialize the LOSSES). Here is the deal, if and when this Administration gets their act together (admittedly a big IF/there are some smart republicans who know how to govern (at least fake it) ) without some jail time for some and impeachment for you know who, somethings could workout for the American public. Trade, some jobs with the right incentives (one thing they are talking about un-taxed exports) that would be good for middle class jobs, any infrastructure bills out of congress, these are positive steps. Someone put a belt on those “Big Boy Pants” and TAKE THE TWITTER AWAY, we just might get some things done for America. DREAMING am I, probably…………