“Have You Noticed Any Impact On Your Bank Accounts?” Le Pen Explains How She’s Not Going To Trigger A Bank Run

Well this one is fun. So here at HR, we've discussed at length the fact that should Marine Le Pen win the French presidency and then somehow manage to succeed in taking France out of the EMU, it would be a veritable disaster for financial markets. If we're going by OAT-bund spreads, that risk has dissipated of late, but the ISDA basis appears to tell a different story: Of course in addition to triggering the largest sovereign debt default in the history of the world and causing all kinds o

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2 thoughts on ““Have You Noticed Any Impact On Your Bank Accounts?” Le Pen Explains How She’s Not Going To Trigger A Bank Run

  1. Dr. real Heisenberg,

    Would you please call her just Le Pen. She has been on a vast rebranding effort over the last 5 years, separating herself from her noxious father’s legacy (embodied in her last name) while presenting a gentler face to the public using her first name (Marine). Don’t help her. Call her what she truly is. Thank you!