Presenting All Of Trump’s Putin Connections In 7 Easy Charts
Ok, so obviously Donald Trump colluded with the Russians at some point during his candidacy.
If you don't believe that by now, then I've got a mansion in Palm Beach I'd like to sell you. Put differently, if you think this is all a "witch hunt," then you've got what we here at the Heisenberg Report like to call Russian "collusion delusion."
Unfortunately for the Kremlin, Trump's "useful idiot" status looks to be on the line. That is, it's likely become apparent to Moscow that Trump isn't a "u
I agree there is a collusion delusion but based on your charts, I am not sure who is deluding whom. This is pretty flimsy “evidence” and at best proves that “I know a guy”…..way below your normal apologetic propositions.
LOL. you looked at all those pictures and all you got was “I know a guy”?!!
After all those pictures a reasonable person would only get “I know a guy”
Look the Orange/julius owes Someone something $$$$. Someone has something on him (not hard with his propensity to say anything or do anything he wants). Someone knows where the video tapes are buried. Someone set this fool up and he took the bait in either a shady business deal or a little pu**y grabbing. Can anyone honestly at this point not see this as at least possible and probably true. PLEASSSSSSE, wake the fu*k-up. This guy is “off his rocker” and dangerous, not a good combo for a POTUS. Drip, drip, drip. The crazier this gets the crazier HE GETS.