Thursday Humor: Epic Headline Hockey

Rumors were flying this morning that Donald Trump may be set to meet with Marine Le Pen, the French incarnation of the global populist putsch. Well in what can only be described as hilarious example of political headline hockey, Bloomberg sent out the following alerts around 30 seconds apart: NO INDICATION OF MEETING BETWEEN TRUMP, LE PEN MARINE LE PEN IS AT TRUMP TOWER This seemed appropriate... From Bloomberg, earlier this m

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One thought on “Thursday Humor: Epic Headline Hockey

  1. Maybe she doesn’t want to make a circus of it like Farage (bad optics)… gotta make ‘alt-right’-ism seem intellectual to the French. Or maybe she doesn’t want to come off as presumptuous. Regardless, you can bet she was meeting with Bannon and the rest of the Breitbart crew about promoting their nativist agenda in Europe.