You’ve ‘Got A Case To Be Worried’: Analysts Weigh In On North Korea ‘ICBM’ Launch

“There’s nervousness in the market but whether or not we’ll see panic will depend on whether there’s further escalation. Investors have a case to be worried but whether the worry will turn into something more serious we need to see what develops on the political front.”

Deutsche Bank Presents: An Updated Guide To The Low Vol Regime

“If there was sufficient loss of political support in the US for many of Trump’s policies such that the chance of successful execution falls towards zero, then central banks may need to return to the forefront of the deflation battle. Central Bank support for the economy was starting to lose credibility amongst some investors last year.”

Fed Minutes: “Soon” Or “Soon”-ish

“Most participants judged that if economic information came in about in line with their expectations, it would soon be appropriate for the Committee to take another step in removing some policy accommodation. A number of participants pointed out that clarification of prospective fiscal and other policy changes would remove one source of uncertainty for the economic outlook.”