SocGen’s Kit Juckes Is “Back From The Alps”: Here’s His Quick Pocket Guide To An Uncertain Market

The tough thing about a market dominated by geopolitical concerns is that geopolitics is country- or at least region-specific. There’s nuance, idiosyncrasies, thousands of years of history peculiar to this country or that, religious undercurrents, etc., etc. You have to take all of that into account when trying to make sense of markets in the context of multiple geopolitical powder kegs.

Deutsche Bank’s Kocic Delivers Stark Warning: Beware Populist “Buyer’s Remorse”

“The initial embrace of populism has gained traction based largely on a belief that political disruption, as a mode of change, deserves the same status that creative destruction used to have in the post industrial era with resulting political entropy becoming one of the main sources of market volatility.”

“Is There A Problem We’re Not Seeing?” – China’s Banking System Reaches “Tipping Point”

“The market is nervous about the impact. Everyone is wondering, ‘could there be a problem we’re not seeing?’, or ‘will there be some punishment that forces an institution to dump assets? Then banks get cautious and stop offering loans.”

One Bank Warns: The “Dark Side” Has Reappeared Just As “The Force” Looks Weak

“The dark side – protectionism – reappeared at the G20, just when the force – hope of a bold US fiscal plan – is looking weaker. This has hurt risk sentiment a bit, helping bonds find their feet. We see that as temporary profit taking on crowded trades, rather than a fullblown reversal.”