Goldman: Globalization Will Prevail, Macron To Beat Le Pen Handily

“Following the first-round outcome, the Le Pen camp have claimed that the second round of the election will represent a choice between Mr. Macron’s pro-globalisation agenda and their candidates more protectionist stance. Ms. Le Pen proposes the cancellation of existing free-trade agreements and opposes future ones.”

Is Another “Whatever It Takes” Moment Just Around The Corner?

“If markets turn more negative on the possibility of deposit flights out of the French banking system or on Italian BTPs and banks, the currency can fall more in the absence of a decisive response from the ECB. But, if the ECB were to show a strong hand in the market, buying sovereign debt, this perception could change.”

French Fries Protip: Don’t Worry About The Second Round, Worry About The First

“Melenchon now has a genuine chance of reaching the second round and, in purely markets terms, he would be as bad, if not worse, for French and European assets. Crucially, polls suggest that if Emmanuel Macron stumbles, the leftist would beat both Le Pen and Francois Fillon in a second-round runoff.”