Is “Vive La France” The Rallying Cry That Gets Oil To $70? One Bank Thinks So

“Should a synchronous recovery take hold, we believe dollar weakness would be bullish for USD oil prices. While micro supply/demand fundamental oil balances still point to higher oil this summer, oil could soon sing “Vive la France”. We retain our $70/bbl end-of-June target for Brent.”

Goldman: Trump Threatens Europe With Strongman “Bilateral World Order”

So you know, the percentage of the European population that’s still sane (and that’s an ever dwindling number apparently) would have really appreciated it if Trump would have just been satisfied with the damage he’s already done rather than piling it on by dispatching Peter Navarro to weigh in on the legitimacy of the common currency.

Goldman: Global Fund Managers “Concerned” With Trade Wars, Protectionism

Given the distinct possibility that global trade and commerce is about to be completely upended by an unhinged real estate developer with delusions of grandeur and his cabinet of billionaires, it isn’t any wonder that when Goldman asked fund managers what they were concerned about, geopolitics and global trade topped the list.