David Stockman: Here Comes The Yield Shock

“That’s right. The taxpayers and future generations be damned. Apparently, it doesn’t matter how many small businesses, farmers and entrepreneurs get elbowed out of the capital markets by Uncle Sam’s $1 trillion per year borrowing spree: Mitchels & Chuckles intend to keep the Washington Monument open and the Imperial City’s 3.7 million employees paid in full come hell or high water.”

David Stockman: If Michael Wolff Wants To See Some Real Idiots, He Should Look At The People Buying The S&P at 2743

“Yet there is something about Michael Wolff’s tirade that deeply resonates, albeit on the other end of the Acela Corridor. We are referring, of course, to the ‘idiots’ who are buying the S&P 500 at 2735 and earnestly debating the pros and cons of bitcoin at $16,000.”