‘If You See A Vol. Spike, Try To Kill It, Ok? It’s Not A Pet.’

“It has been over 50 years since realized vol was as low as this year’s 7%. 2006’s 10% was the lowest SPX volatility of the lull between the dot com selloff and the financial crisis. The lowest annual SPX realized vol years on record are 1964 and 1965 with 5.3% and 6.8%, respectively.”

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Will ‘Great Trends Grow’ From ‘Little Volatilities’?

“It’s a toss-up when looking at markets to wonder whether the better analogy is the duck looking completely placid above water while its little feet are scrambling like crazy below the surface or a patient lying on the psychiatrist’s couch moaning of just being too conflicted to make life’s tough decisions.”

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This Is ‘The Most Intriguing, Worrying’ Factor For Volatility (Hint: It’s The Flow, Stupid)

“We are likely to be nearing a low point for major market bond and equity vol, and if the catalyst is policy it will likely come from positive volatility QE ‘flow effect’ being more powerful than the vol depressant ‘stock effect’.”

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