Is Devin Nunes About To Sabotage The FBI With His Trump Dossier Subpoenas?

“The “independence” of the FBI’s investigation is key here. The Steele dossier is now a public document. The Russians know what has been alleged. But they don’t yet know what the FBI has independently verified and what it hasn’t. It’s crucial that the FBI keeps it that way.”

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‘Real Question’ – Lindy West Blasts Ivanka In Truly Scathing NYT Op-Ed

“Ms. Trump’s self-professed commitment to corporate gender parity (about as milquetoast as feminism gets, but in Trump’s America, radicalism is relative) was trotted out incessantly during the campaign, especially as an antidote to her father’s self-professed commitment to nonconsensually sticking his hands on women’s genitals.”

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Krugman: How Destroying DACA Puts The U.S. Economy On The Japan Track

“The truth is that letting the Dreamers work legally helps the U.S. economy; pushing them out or into the shadows is bad for everyone except racists. To understand why, you need to realize that America, like other advanced economies, is facing a double-barreled demographic challenge thanks to declining fertility.”

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Trump’s Bizarre 48 Hours: DACA Flipflop, Debt Ceiling Deal, & New Bestie Schumer

And to the extent the fate of Harvey victims and markets were subjugated in his mind to his own approval ratings, the interests of his party were simply pushed aside altogether. Which apparently surprised a lot of Conservatives although I’m not sure why. Was anyone in the GOP really under the impression that Donald Trump cares one way or another about conservatism? Give me a break. 

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Gary Cohn Not Racist Enough To Be Fed Chair, Trump To Consider Other Options

“President Donald Trump is unlikely to nominate Gary Cohn, his top economic adviser, as the next Federal Reserve chairman, indicating that he is open to considering additional names for a pick he has said he would like to make by year’s end, according to people familiar with the president’s thinking.”

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Trump’s DACA Decision Could Be Political Suicide

Let’s just step back from the moral depravity for a second and think about this from a purely strategic perspective.

Yes, there’s a kinda, sorta deadline for this decision thanks to 10 states that have threatened to sue the government if it doesn’t stop protecting people brought into the country illegally as children. But obviously Trump isn’t obliged to heed that threat. He could take that risk in the interest of not igniting another racially-charged, political firestorm just weeks after he threw gasoline on the firestorm his bungled response to Charlottesville created by pardoning Joe Arpaio. 

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Trump Pens Labor Day Op-Ed About ‘Turning Dreams Into Reality’ With ‘Our Own Two Hands’

“As we celebrate Labor Day, we are reminded of the inherent dignity of work and the American worker. In America, we honor grit. We honor determination. We honor craftsmanship. And we honor the men and women who turn dreams into reality with their own two hands.” “

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Here Is The Letter Barack Obama Wrote To Donald Trump

“That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions — like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties — that our forebears fought and bled for. Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it’s up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them.”

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