‘The Clocks Stopped At 1:17’…

Ok, get ready.

For now, the fiscal-chaos-can has been kicked, Harvey is behind us, and North Korea’s latest nuclear test has come and gone.

But dead ahead is Irma’s landfall in Florida, North Korea’s “founding day” (which by most accounts will be “celebrated” with an ICBM launch), and of course, more gridlock in D.C. We are, figuratively and literally, in the eye of the storm on Friday.

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‘Sorry, But It’s Crazy’ – Riksbank Decision And The Policymaker Paradox

“Krona has appreciated faster than in [our] July forecast and while it’s reasonable to expect krona to appreciate due to the strong economy, it’s important that it doesn’t strengthen too rapidly,” Ingves said at the press conference, before stating the obvious as follows: “There are risks if Riksbank makes policy less expansionary before other, larger central banks.”

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ECB Leaves Everything Unchanged – Eyes Turn To Draghi

But you’ve got to think Mario Draghi isn’t looking forward to Thursday’s presser.

Although no one expected any actual change to policy rates or the APP, markets are expecting quite a lot in terms of outright jawboning, telepathy, side-eyes, winks, nods, or really anything at all to suggest that the ECB is going to try and keep a lid on euro strength and/or is prepping an exit plan from stimulus.

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Death By A Thousand Cuts.

The bottom line is that between another powerful hurricane approaching the U.S. mainland, U.S. markets catching up with their global counterparts in terms of pricing in North Korea after the long weekend, the DACA decision which portends more bickering in Washington, and the looming debt ceiling debate (with the specter of a technical default showing up in today’s decidedly poor 4-week bill auction), it was death by a thousand cuts.

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