
lev·er·age noun Why the vast majority of my drinks were free in the four-year period from 2008 to 2012. Wait, that's the wrong definition. Let me try again. verb  Use borrowed capital for (an investment), expecting the profits made to be greater than the interest payable. That's closer to where I was going with this. Tuesday was one of those days: A day when a geopolitical black swan demanded any and all space above the digital fold, thereby rendering every other story te

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3 thoughts on “Leverage!

  1. The risk-taking reminds me of CDOs and subprimes in ’08. I’m not suggesting we’ll experience another GFC, but those charts are…thought-provoking. Looks like an elevator up (not stairs). What would that feel like in reverse lol? I laugh b/c I remember and I survived. It sucks even if you’re “prepared.”

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