Two Weeks In One
One way or another, this'll be a two-day week for a lot of US market participants.
Wednesday's a holiday, and people tend to plan vacations around holidays, so some folks won't be on the desk at all. Others are currently enjoying a five-day weekend. They'll show up (or log in, whichever the case might be) on Thursday. Still others will show up Monday, work two days, then take Thursday and Friday off making next weekend a five-day recess. Anyone who's around post-Wednesday will be tuned out even
So if you were actually to take a vacation, what would you do with yourself?
It’s Disney Land, isn’t it? You’d totally go to Disney Land.
Not in a men’s drum circle around a vortex generator in Sedona, AZ??
Why settle for just one when you can have both?
‘Ti’s the American way. Debit, Credit or Affirm for those sir?
I almost choked on my coffee laughing….. I just returned from Sedona yesterday, though no drum circle at a vortex for me. Fantastic hiking though! I highly recommend for anyone who loves to hike but doesn’t mind dry, dusty heat.
“Still others will show up Monday, work two days, then take Thursday and Friday off making next weekend a five-day recess. Anyone who’s around post-Wednesday will be tuned out even if they’re clocked in.”
I don’t understand this comment from a work ethic standpoint. These people are well-compensated, financial professionals. If they are clocked in, why wouldn’t they be putting in an honest day’s work irrespective of the holiday week?