Two Mideast War Scenarios

"An Israel-Hamas war would be tragic, but the impact on the global economy and markets is limited," Rabobank's Michael Every wrote Wednesday, in a note co-authored by Joe DeLaura (an energy strategist) and Stefan Vogel (the bank's general manager for research in Australia & New Zealand). He added a caveat: "Unless Israel were to lose the ground war in Gaza, which would be a huge shock to the collective West, to say nothing of Israel." On Wednesday morning, I gently suggested that Israel co

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2 thoughts on “Two Mideast War Scenarios

  1. Second US carrier group headed to the area, more USAF aircraft deployed as well. US intelligence reportedly saying Iran was “surprised” by Hamas attack. Read: efforts to avert a state-on-state war.

  2. Saudis and Russians need oil prices to be higher as WTI back toward $80 without any significant geopolitical risk premium. Israelis know who is the origin/source of the ISIS level atrocity inflicted on their babies and grandmothers… which is impossible to justify or defend. It’s hard to see how Iranian oil supplies/production doesn’t get disrupted….

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