‘Furious Invincibility,’ Furious Inflation

We withstand all threats, shelling, cluster bombs, cruise missiles, kamikaze drones, blackouts, and cold. We are stronger than that. It was a year of resilience. A year of care. A year of bravery. A year of pain. A year of hope. A year of endurance. A year of unity. The year of invincibility. The furious year of invincibility. With allowances for the idea that leaders embroiled in existential armed conflicts can't betray signs of weakness or otherwise adopt a conciliatory cadence when the bulle

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3 thoughts on “‘Furious Invincibility,’ Furious Inflation

  1. Whether or not we, as a nation, realize it, the United States of America is backed into the proverbial corner.
    As old-fashioned as it may sound in 2023, we’re still the greatest, most powerful nation on Earth. So until Klaatu pays us a visit and gives us all the ultimatum to live in peace or be obliterated, we have to lead the way, and do whatever it takes to stop this madness; because that’s what war is.

  2. Meanwhile, last night the CBS evening news opened with Nora O’Donnell broadcasting from the flight deck of the USS Nimitz, somewhere between Guam and Taiwan. (“we cannot reveal the precise location.”)
    Why is the ship sailing there? Because of an escalating threat from China said the Pentagon.

    And now we are putting troops on the island.

    Is the US military and US taxpayer ready to face a two-front war?

  3. The United States should recognize that even if it doesn’t want to be at war with the People’s Republic of China, the PRC has been waging war on the U.S. The PRC is harming Americans with fentanyl, technology theft, and corruption of our academic, business, and government elites. US leaders allowed it, getting rich while hollowing out America’s industrial heartland and making the country dependent on China. If the Russia-Ukraine War becomes a China-US war by proxy, it will be the fourth. The US supported Chiang Kai-shek against the Communists and lost; the US fought against the PRC in Korea and achieved stalemate; the US fought with South Vietnamese against China and North Vietnam and lost. If the US doesn’t want to lose again, it will have to stop enriching its enemy. Boycott, divest, and sanction the People’s Republic of China.

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