Realized Inflation Disconnected From Reflation Trade

One ongoing debate amid the reflationary impulse that's driven breakevens to multi-year highs and buoyed various manifestations of the pro-cyclical trade in equities, revolves around the notion that the "trade" may be well ahead of the "reality." More simply: "Reflation" is not the same as inflation. Reflation is a more nebulous term that gets bandied about, sometimes with reckless abandon, to describe anything that looks pro-cyclical, while inflation is an actual, observable phenomenon. Many

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4 thoughts on “Realized Inflation Disconnected From Reflation Trade

  1. the continuing divergence between wall st and main st … key (and H keeps pushing this) -> this not just ideological banter and dialogue; actual lives and livelihoods are impacted every f-ing day. Cannot we reframe some dialogue within a John Stuart Mills utilitarian approach?

    1. Yeah, John Stuart Mills theory on utilitarianism might as well be a utopia dream world compared to the dystopian science fiction world many of our country experience every day.

      I’m just a reader. But, honestly, I don’t think it’s possible to reframe our larger situation into anything other than what it is. I just don’t see that there is any debate about what has happened to our society the last forty years, and what are the primary causes.

      I agree that these are serious, dicey, and dangerous times. It’s not going to change, unfortunately, as our different groups of elites aren’t going to suddenly have an epiphany, wake up, and ask, “what have we done?”. Rather, we are living in socio-cultural and socio-economic systems that are their dream of utopia…but not ours.

  2. I too agree with runamok. I am a broken record with my friends- follow the money. Only power can limit power. The glue that binds our country right now has largely dried out. The pandemic was an exogenous event- it made all sorts of nonlinear trends reach critical mass. Meanwhile, too many Americans only have one yardstick- the culture wars. The elite only invests in intellectual property and despises human capital, unless they can obtain it at ridiculously low prices.

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