‘Volfefe’ And The Peaceable Passing Of Power

If Donald Trump was trying to raise (more) eyebrows by refusing to commit, explicitly, to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose the election, he certainly succeeded. His Wednesday afternoon remarks were a trending topic Thursday. As ever, it's not clear that what the president said was actually "news". And that speaks to just how far afield America is. Although we shouldn't normalize the behavior, it's hard to imagine Trump responding any differently when asked about a close election. His

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18 thoughts on “‘Volfefe’ And The Peaceable Passing Of Power

  1. This is the same bunch that used to back a semi-respectable candidate for the nomination in early 2016, and now cower before the dictator wannabe.

  2. Thank goodness we have the Fed to keep markets from tanking from election night on to inauguration day, assuming that inauguration day isn’t cancelled. The Fed still has like $5T they can throw at the markets, so we should be ok for a while.

    So, does anyone know when the Senate and Trump are going to deep-six Social Security Income and end the program?

  3. Dumb question mr H,

    Wouldn’t the 3 new justices have recuse themselves? Seems to be a obvious conflict of interest to me. I’m no lawyer.

    1. Should they? Yes. Will they? Definitely not. The days when conservatives cared about their own conflicts of interest are long gone and there is nothing in the constitution that explicitly requires them to do so. Trump has fully disavowed us of the notion that norms matter. He made that pretty clear when he talked about how not paying taxes makes him smart, so as much as we’d like to think that everyone has agreed to some basic ground rules, we can’t assume that to be the case anymore.

      That being said, I still have a very hard time imagining it getting to that point.

      1. What is a Conservative nowadays?
        I guess we will find out. They actually did not exist when the Constitution was written or they were Tories.
        When I was young my Father pounded into my head what it meant and this has not been it.

        1. That’s a good question. Most of the people who claim to take up the mantle of conservatism are anything but. Trump has totally upended the Republican party, and it’s clearly not a party that can be defined by a consistent set of guiding principles or policy anymore (except maybe with regards to abortion and the second amendment). If anything, the moderate wing of the democratic party is what most of the developed world considers conservative these days.

    2. No. 🙂 But yes, the conflict is glaring. And I would again contend that it is highly likely that Trump has hinted at a quid pro quo with his nominee. I don’t think that’s a partisan statement at all, either. It just seems like common sense.

      1. Some on the Christian right might become less needy of him now that he has delivered the Court. I do recall some Christians begrudgingly voted him last time. Biden is no Hillary.

        1. I think that you give the Christian Right too much credit. They are all aboard with Trump.

          Don’t kid yourself, racism and sexism plays quite well with most Evangelicals.

          1. Agreed. Remember most of our founding fathers were very conservative puritans and other “right wing” Christians who kept slaves (who weren’t people, after all) and prohibited women from voting, owning property or otherwise having freedoms equal to men.

  4. This is increasingly looking like a blowout election against Trump. If it turns out to resemble close, it is going to be a very awful fall and winter. Mix in civil unrest due to violations against citizens and protesters and add a pandemic and you have the danger of a breakdown of civil society. It is a tail risk for sure.

    1. I think this is the correct read. All we get from MSM is pictures of a frail Biden and Trump in front of roaring MAGA crowds. But take Trump out of the bubble of his adoring idiots and drop him anywhere that is not a Trump-owned country club and what happens? He is booed passionately and at length. People hate this guy like no politician in my lifetime — including Richard Nixon and George Wallace.

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