‘Prosecuting The Case’

"I would say, the best opening so far would be Kamala Harris", Donald Trump declared, in January of 2019 after the senator launched her bid for The White House at a rally in Oakland before a crowd of more than 20,000 people. "She had a better crowd, better enthusiasm", the president assessed. For the first six months of the Democratic primaries, Harris managed to stay within shouting distance of the top tier. Indeed, she nearly pole-vaulted into the lead after blindsiding Joe Biden during a t

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14 thoughts on “‘Prosecuting The Case’

  1. She has always seemed like the logical choice
    – Left of Biden, but not by too much
    – Hard to paint her as a radical (former prosecutor, not yoked to M4A or other Bernie/Warren platform)
    – Conventional resume for a VP (big state Senator)
    – Tested in electoral politics at a high level (not like Rice, Abrams, etc)
    – Capable debater, lasted longer than many in the Dem primary race
    – Her attacks on Biden during the Dem debates create a sort of cred (not a Pence type lapdog)

    Look for a couple days of news cycle, then back to regular programming (economy, virus, economy, virus)

  2. JYL, I may have connections into the Trump party that go beyond whatever insights you might possess. Within fifteen minutes of the announcement, I had three emails from that group: one tying KH to George Soros, and the other two disgustingly salacious. By the beginning of November, I’ll have received hundreds of these. I’m sure they go out to huge distribution lists. Nor will they stop with a Democratic victory, should the gods prove so beneficent.

    Which is to say, I’m not sure how you define regular programming, but you ought to be prepared for nonstop attacks of the most base sort. MAGA, baby.

    1. @ScottFrew Just proves that the Republican Party has become the home of moral reprobates. Can’t wait to see it consigned to the dustbin of history in this election. Clean sweep, baby.

    2. “Regular programming” will be a continuation of eight years of Obama “birther” hound-dogging and worse, and the (successful) tearing down of Hillary Clinton in 2016. But that’s what we have to face. Ultimately, demographics and the trend of opinion are not in favor of the Trump camp. They will troll, but they may be out of power for a long, long time–depending on whether the Democrats squander their opportunities or capitalize on them.

  3. OMG. Nothing else matters than this…Trump has to, HAS TO, give his nomination acceptance speech at Gettysburg. It would surely be one of the most astonishing moments in American political history.

      1. Folks, just FYI (and with all due respect to readers), conversations about Tulsi Gabbard are prone to going off the rails in a hurry. Let’s not go there. If you’re not aware of the reasons why she is controversial, you can Google it. But if this thread goes in the direction of a Tulsi discussion, I will close the comments. It’s not a constructive conversation. More importantly, it’s irrelevant.

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