Fingers Crossed

It's "fingers crossed" time. Fingers crossed that an egregious downside miss on ADP employment doesn't presage a similarly large undershoot on Friday's all-important July jobs report. And fingers crossed that jobless claims don't show a third consecutive weekly rise on Thursday. And fingers crossed that stocks don't "misinterpret" protracted Beltway wrangling as indicative of an ineffective legislature prone to dangerous brinksmanship when the livelihoods of tens of millions of Americans are on

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4 thoughts on “Fingers Crossed

  1. 1999 Spx earnings were 73.47. Twenty years later and we didn’t even get a double. Maybe we do better in the next twenty.

  2. Elites have their fingers crossed behind their backs.

    Re the China trade deal, seeming appearance is that they studied up and played us. Well, played Trump like a fiddle. We got took. Not my fault. Not your fault, H. But, we got took. {Insert here the emoji showing a beautiful, magnificent trade deal turning into dust.}

    Obviously one of the worst, perhaps the worst, presidential administration of the last 100 years. Only initiating a war is keeping this presidency from being 44th, or 45th, worst ever. Come January, we’ll have to start naming middle schools after 45.

    Between November and January, let’s just hope that the administration hands over to our adversaries all our quantum computer research, AI research, biotech research, vaccine research, trade secrets of our highest-value companies, along with the SSH keys to any server they wish to access. Why not? Let’s just crumble and pretend we are weak and stupid and give up all the remaining hegemonic advantages while we are at it. Any one pissed off yet?

    The numbers are going to be bad. Perhaps they “surprise.” haha. Some of the parks in the city where I live have turned into campgrounds for people who don’t have any other place to live. This sucks.

    1. I am not sure that either US or China is interested in hegemony as a purposeful outcome

      Else US won’t have granted Philippines their independence after the US Spanish war, and China won’t have gone the way of cultural revolution and one child policy

      The world is big enough, and there are more important existential priorities than petty schoolyard antics

  3. The vaccine coming sooner against the odds reminds of me old biotech penny stock trading days. What if it dies happen? Is that a sell the news event? I think so, but who am i but a wittle bear cub wiff a pile of honey.

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