What Happens To The Housing ‘Boom’ If There’s Another Round Of Layoffs?
Somebody get Larry Kudlow on the line -- we need to reiterate the "boom" narrative while we've still got the chance.
Pending home sales rose 16.6% in June, beating expectations, and giving the "V-shaped" recovery meme one last shot of adrenaline before the effects of reinstated lockdowns and new COVID-19 outbreaks begin to manifest in top-tier data points.
June's print comes on the heels of May's blockbuster 44.3% surge, which was widely celebrated despite being of questionable significance co
We will see if this lasts … I’m skeptical at best.
I’m glad you linked the Gundlach article. His call on a wave of white collar layoffs seems more plausible now. In fact, Whirlpool Corporate offices just down the street from me just completed a layoff a few weeks ago
Yeah, I always try to make it clear that when I chuckle about things that Jeff says, it’s not because I think he’s wrong, or because I have something against him. I laugh at Jeff because he’s an objectively funny guy — I don’t think he means to be funny, but his demeanor is highly amusing.