Trump ‘Hopes To God’ He Makes The Right Decision On Virus, Economy

"We would want to see, I would want to see a clear indication that you are very, very clearly and strongly going in the right direction, because the one thing you don’t want to do is you don’t want to get out there, prematurely, and then wind up and you’re back in the same situation", Anthony Fauci told CNN, as questions linger about the administration's commitment to keeping social distancing and other containment protocols in place long enough to ensure the country has moved beyond the a

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11 thoughts on “Trump ‘Hopes To God’ He Makes The Right Decision On Virus, Economy

  1. I think keeping an eye on the Florida numbers will give a good idea of when he becomes more prone to “re-opening”
    Illinois and Fla will be good comparisons.

  2. What he thinks is the “appropriate “ time has no bearing on what this country should be doing. Not only can’t you take this moron seriously, but congress should be working on a plan to remove him immediately. We need tests,tests,tests, and then a plan to open up gradually only when we’ve proven that the virus has virtually disappeared. His obsession with the market and subsequent reelection are the clear motivating factors behind all the misinformation and lies. Isn’t everyone tired of this charade?

  3. Everybody knows Trump wants the coming confrontation on opening the economy.
    Everybody knows he knows this year will be a disaster.
    Everybody knows if he pushes for “opening” but the states resist,
    Everybody knows he can blame the recession and the worsening unemployment on them,
    And Everybody knows he can say it would’ve been better if only they had listened to him.
    Everybody knows.

    Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
    Everybody knows that the Trumpster lied
    Everybody got this broken feeling
    Like their father or their dog just died
    Everybody talking to their pockets
    Everybody wants a box of chocolates
    And a long-stem rose
    Everybody knows

  4. Hope everyone is adjusting to our new lifestyle, because this situation is going to drag on for a much longer period of time than anyone wants to openly admit in public.

    Per VP Pence and Dr. Fauci, anything resembling a true “re-opening” will require…

    (1) Widespread, easily-available virus testing with quick results reporting (…so, we need 100 million+, manufactured, shipped, and appropriately distributed so there are no shortages or hiccups anywhere in the country).

    (2) Widespread, easily-available, SAFE therapeutic treatments for those who still catch the bug (…again, millions of doses manufactured, shipped, appropriately distributed, etc.)

    (3) Widespread and EFFICIENT surveillance, contact tracing, quarantining, reporting, etc.

    (4) Widespread ACCURATE data sharing between nations where the virus is present (…that is, basically ALL nations on this planet), so that travel and border crossings can be effectively monitored and secured.

    (5) Widespread cooperation amongst all the good people of this country to abide by the rules, with no shirking and no slacking.

    Sounds simple, right?

    6 weeks into this mess and we still can’t get basic testing capacity up to speed on a nationwide basis.

    Summer vacation will probably consist of a backyard BBQ with members of your household.


  5. I’ve got to believe that companies working on the testing and the vaccine are working very hard on providing these necessities all over the world. There’s a lot of money to be made out there. Everybody needs it. If we have the testing (with quick turn-around results) and contact tracing and everyone wearing masks until the vaccines are given en-masse I think we can get on top of this and pretty much get back to the new normal. Will all that be in place when Trump tries to restart the economy. Probably far from it. He’s not moved by the needs of the citizenry as much as by the needs of the rich.

    1. Man of Lourdes,

      OK, if not in place by the time of Trump’s restart, then an eventual Shutdown 2.0 is a certainty.

      Seems like there’s only one way to get this right, and dozens of ways to get it wrong.

      Given this administration’s track record, I don’t think those particular odds are in their favor.

      #Shit-Show Inc. 2020