As House Moves To Impeach On ‘Sad’, Historic Day, Trump Sends Sarcastic Christmas Cards To Democrats
That's what Nancy Pelosi had to say about Donald Trump's six-page "Dear Madam Speaker" letter, which, frankly, reads like something that would be marked "evidence" in the murder trial of a jilted boyfriend whose ex disappeared six months previous following a bad breakup.
“I’ve seen the essence of it", Pelosi said Tuesday evening, while striding through the halls of the Capitol, where she was asked for her reaction to the screed.
On Wednesday, dressed in a dark suit to mark t
Folks in the south and rural north are nodding their heads in agreement.
Trump is a disgrace to the office he holds. History will not be kind to him.
“One guest on Fox Business called it a “masterpiece” and compared it to the Gettysburg Address,” . Where does Fox find them?
The unknown factor appears to be that of John Roberts. He certainly knows what a trial consists of and should demand that it not turn into a circus. He should make sure that the evidence brought forth on charges laid is looked at fairly. If he doesn’t. It will be further evidence that the Supreme Court has been compromised. ALL of the people involved in this matter have been sworn in to protect and to defend the Constitution. If this turns into a sham trial you can tear up the Constitution and throw it in the garbage. The United States will no longer be a nation which stands on the rule of law. The individual states can then decide whether they want to remain in this sham of a government or not. There is no question at all about the members of the GOP. I doubt any of them have read the Constitution much less know what it means to protect it and defend it.