In Bid To Pacify White House, China Releases Sweeping Intellectual Property Decree

In an apparent effort to appease Donald Trump, China issued guidelines on Sunday aimed at strengthening intellectual property protections. IP theft is one of the key sticking points in the protracted trade talks between Washington and Beijing. Generally speaking, nobody believes that the Trump administration is likely to succeed when it comes to forcing the Chinese to make the kind of sweeping changes that would need to be implemented in order to seriously address myriad grievances related to i

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4 thoughts on “In Bid To Pacify White House, China Releases Sweeping Intellectual Property Decree

  1. Give the Chinese credit — they are quick learners. The House impeachment hearings revealed that Trump only really wanted an announcement of an “investigation” that Trump could then use as a cudgel vs Biden. The only concern he has about corruption is that he wants to be the most one. So the Chinese give him what he wants — a phony paper victory that we will be hearing about ad nauseam for the next 12 months.

    I can hear it now. “A lot of people said it could never happen. I. P. Doen’t sound so nice, but China desperately wanted the deal, so now we got IP. It’s gonna make a lot of people very happy, and very rich. We won’t have the tariffs anymore, but the Chinese are still going to pay us billions and billions. They are going to wish they could have the tariffs back.”

    We are being played by this President, and the rest of the world is quickly learning how to play him. As I said, the Chinese are smart — they realized that Trump isn’t playing 4 dimensional chess, and they just changed the game to Chinese checkers. I just hope he gets to play solitaire soon, preferably with full access to his shoelaces.

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