Friday Humor: Trump Charged Irish Cops $12,250 For ‘Snack Bags’ In June

Although we generally pride ourselves on being able to editorialize around everything we highlight in these pages, some things you just can’t improve on.

We ran across one such amusing morsel on Friday morning.

The following are receipts from Donald Trump’s Irish golf resort in Doonbeg, which charged local police more than €100,000 while they labored overtime during the US president’s visit to the property in June.

“When [Donald Trump] made a side trip to his Irish golf club this summer, dozens of Irish cops were sent to protect him”, the Washington Post‘s David Fahrenthold noted, in a Wednesday tweet which came to our attention this morning. “Then Trump’s company charged the cops more than $100K for food and coffee”, he added.

As you can see, Trump billed them nearly $13,000 for “snack bags”.

At one point, during inclement weather, An Garda Síochána was billed $973 for “additional tea and coffee”.

“The total bill for accommodation and food for the Garda operation throughout Co Clare for the visit came to €904,553, according to replies to a Freedom of Information request”, the Irish Times wrote last month, adding that “the largest share of the €359,579 spent on catering went to Doonbeg, which got €107,000. The rest was shared by 10 other companies”.

Nothing further.


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4 thoughts on “Friday Humor: Trump Charged Irish Cops $12,250 For ‘Snack Bags’ In June

  1. If they were guarding Trump and his entourage on what sounds like a totally private pleasure sojorn, why isn’t it TrumpCo paying THEM?

    1. And why doesn’t he pay us, the taxpayers, every time he boards Airforce One to head off to a political rally? When we pay for his shameless campaigning it should be a violation of campaign finance laws, and theft.

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