China, Smelling Blood, Seen Taking Key Concessions Off Table Ahead Of Trade Talks
Donald Trump is losing leverage in trade negotiations with China.
When Vice Premier Liu He travels to Washington this week, the deal he's prepared to negotiate does not include changes to Beijing's industrial policies. Government subsidy reform, long a talking point for US negotiators, is now off the table.
That's according to what senior Chinese officials have discussed with US visitors to Beijing over the past several weeks, as communicated to Bloomberg by sources familiar with those discuss
If the deal isn’t a 100% for the US, Trump won’t do it. What a deal maker-negotiator! of course the Chinese will agree to those terms. Lol
How will markets respond to a mini-deal? E.g. US rolls back most tariffs and drops restrictions on Huawei suppliers, China resumes ag buying and re-affirms already-planned modest opening of domestic market to foreign companies. Seems would be positive, but has market been assuming in a mini-deal all along? “Sell the news”?