‘What Do We Have, A Republic Or A Monarchy?’: Pelosi Announces Impeachment Inquiry Into Trump

Nancy Pelosi made it official on Tuesday evening. The House will begin a formal impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump. The Washington Post leaked the news hours earlier, and it's been clear for at least two days that the spiraling Ukraine scandal may have tipped the scales for the Speaker, who has spent months pushing back against those in her party who have demanded Trump be removed from office for a laundry list of offenses, large, small and everything in between. "What do we have, a republi

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6 thoughts on “‘What Do We Have, A Republic Or A Monarchy?’: Pelosi Announces Impeachment Inquiry Into Trump

  1. I am pleased with this turn. Pleased meaning a huge relief. It seems like it has taken forever.

    It would be wonderful, and unlikely, for the democrats to include Justin Amash in some way. I feel he is credible and would add a little c conservative voice. It would add credibility, at the very least. And thwart the march of sycophantic sociopaths that constitute the bulk of the GOP at this point, ruining conservatism for, perhaps, a generation.

    1. The Republican Party’s complete abdication to Trumpism/Bannonism/Millerism should consign it to the same grave where the old Whig, No Nothing, and Populist parties lie. We can only hope.

  2. If you are banking on Moscow Mitch to do the right thing you will be sorely disappointed. He will only do the right thing if Trump’s public approval rating drops to around 30% or below. That will only when it will be too late for him and much of the rest of the GOP caucus. Then and only then will you see the rats deserting the sinking ship.

  3. The subtitle “So it begins…” should read “so it is at ever was….”

    Trump is the master of contorting the story, obscuring the focus, bluffing, and shifting the blame to his detractors. Please don’t get your hopes up over impeachment, or even embarrassment or loss of support.