Mnuchin Says US Won’t Intervene To Weaken Dollar – For Now
The US has "no intention" to intervene in the currency market to weaken the dollar - or at least not right now.
That's according to Steve Mnuchin, who chatted with Bloomberg during an interview in Washington on Wednesday.
The Treasury Secretary weighs in at a time when speculation about the prospect of outright, active intervention is running rampant thanks to the president's professed disdain for the resilient greenback, which he views as a serious impediment to "winning" what has become a mu
Would his comments on not weakening be prompted by the possibility of a new very long, low coupon bond issue?
he was just floating that (the ultra issuance) again to try to jawbone long-end yields higher to help alleviate some of the flattening pressure on the curve. he’s probably going to keep saying “seriously considering” as long as the bull-flattening pressure stays on and/or as long as that flattening pressure is manifesting itself in inversions and thereby recession talk in the media