Trump Would ‘Certainly’ Meet Iran’s Rouhani – With ‘Violent Force’
Over the weekend, Emmanuel Macron surprised some attendees at the G-7 summit in Biarritz by informing them that the French government intended to invite Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif for talks aimed at moving towards a resolution to the standoff between Tehran and West.
Macron has spearheaded efforts to deescalate tensions at a time when US sanctions are crippling the Iranian economy, prompting Tehran to respond with provocative actions in the Strait of Hormuz. The maritime esca
Mr. Rouhani just needs to take a page out of Mr Kim’s playbook…Stop calling the U.S. “The great Satan” and send Trump a ‘love letter.’
Kim has a bomb….maybe that is the answer for the Iranians as well….Risky proposition no matter how you cut it…