New Iran Drama Beckons As US Moves To Seize Tanker, Houthis Hit Saudis, Tehran Readies Rocket Launch

"The evidence is clear and the facts speak louder than the self-serving political statements we are hearing today", Gibraltar's government said Friday, in response to US pressure regarding the supertanker Grace 1, which was seized with the help of British special forces last month. The commandeering of the tanker, which was originally headed to a sanctioned facility in Syria, set the stage for some high maritime drama in the Strait of Hormuz, where the IRGC set about harassing and detaining a h

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3 thoughts on “New Iran Drama Beckons As US Moves To Seize Tanker, Houthis Hit Saudis, Tehran Readies Rocket Launch

  1. Don’t forget trumplethinskin’s freak our this week regarding risk assets nose diving. He very well may feel he needs a distraction.

  2. The (un)stable genius is becoming increasingly unhinged as the yield curve inverts signalling a recession just in time for the Presidential election, Congressional requests for his tax filesand stuff from his family, and Fox News polls showing any of the top 4 Democratic hopefuls for the Democratic Presidential nomination could beat Trump by a wide margin, Trump wil do anything to deflect attention from the dual problems of e2020 election failure (and hence indictable felony charges and the tightening noose of a pending impeachment trial. No wonder Trump is sweating. He wouldn’t be the first hapless leader to start a war to deflect the voting public’s attention away from his domestic problems.

  3. Investors in oil and oil stocks seem to be disregarding Mideast flare-ups. With sentiment so negative about oil demand and the future of shale players, tanker seizures just don’t capture the imagination the way they used to. Considering the situation with Venezuela, Iran, and US rig count, $/bbl and oil stocks have acted terrible.

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