Nomura’s McElligott Explains What Tariff News ‘Very Clearly’ Means For US Stocks

Nomura's Charlie McElligott is "running to the airport" (hopefully not in Hong Kong), but that didn't stop him from sending out a second note of the day, which serves to crystallize his thoughts on the tariff news and concurrent risk rally. As noted here earlier, this can-kicking exercise may not, in fact, be a game changer and Donald Trump has a penchant for changing his mind at the drop of a hat, which means this latest pseudo-truce could fall apart just as quickly as the Osaka deal. That sa

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6 thoughts on “Nomura’s McElligott Explains What Tariff News ‘Very Clearly’ Means For US Stocks

      1. Even more silliness… I thought it was China paying the tariffs? Hasn’t that been the party line, thus far? If so, then why would the new tariffs on consumer goods hamper Christmas shoppers here in the US? Wouldn’t China be paying those new tariffs? Not US consumers? … Unbelievable self-contradictions … What a bunch of incompetent liars…!

  1. I see 2020, with trump losing the popular vote in a big way, but somehow winning the nose-holding electorate. It also may be a long shot for Dems to win the Senate, unsure as to why a majority of American’s would want four more years of utter stupidity and failure — but, the only reason may be that the Dems engineered a plan to run a bunch of idiots who will all try to out do each other to see who can make trump look dumber. In 2016, 90 million eligible voters didn’t vote for either low-quality candidate, and in 2020 it doesn’t seem like that group will suddenly flip and be pro-trump, thus if there is a God, maybe someone will come out of the blue to make a positive difference?