‘Their Lies Are Bubbles Flooding The US Stock Market’: The Infamous Hu Xijin Mocks Larry Kudlow, CNBC
Global Times editor Hu Xijin has become the social media megaphone for Xi in the trade conflict with the US.
For those unfamiliar, his tweets are just thinly-veiled Party pronouncements, wrapped in a silly veneer of journalistic sourcing that usually takes the form of "according to what I know".
To be clear, what Hu "knows" is what Beijing tells him. For instance, on Tuesday he "knows" this about the currency manipulator label:
Since the US has imposed tariffs on Chinese goods, the label of c
Kettle calling the pot black. And also bubble bubble toil and trouble. Situation is Grim.
Cue cud-chewing Kudlow….
How is it possible that he/Kudlow can “placate the markets” when he is ridiculous? WHO takes him seriously?
The professional traders and the bright institutional managers are really listening to Larry?
By saying “goodwill ” he exaggerates. We’ve been a lay down customer, allowing them to rob us blind.