‘Hates Whites!’ Trump Takes On Al Sharpton, ‘King Elijah’ In Third Day Of Wild Racist Meltdown

Donald Trump kicked off the new week the same way he ended the previous one – by stoking racial tensions on Twitter.

The president spent most of the weekend berating Elijah Cummings and denigrating the city of Baltimore, which Trump called a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess”. He also called the city “dangerous and filthy”, and assessed that “no human being would want to live there”.

That sparked accusations of racism and elicited a furious Op-Ed from the Baltimore Sun. Trump doubled and tripled down, going so far as to call Cummings a racist on Sunday afternoon.

Read more: Baltimore Hits Back As Trump Triples Down On Cummings Attacks

On Monday morning, Trump picked up where he left off, turning his ire on Rev. Al Sharpton who is set to show up at an event in Baltimore alongside former RNC chair Michael Steele, who also served as Maryland’s lieutenant governor. The press conference will denounce Trump’s attacks on the city and on Cummings, which they say have caused “bipartisan outrage in the black community”.

Trump, in his infinite wisdom, decided that the best way to calm things down among African Americans is mount a racist attack on Sharpton.

“I have known Al for 25 years. Went to fights with him & Don King, always got along well”, Trump said, recapping his history with Sharpton, who he says “loved Trump!”

After that brief, pleasant trip down memory lane to a happier time when white men and African Americans could attend boxing matches together, the president got back to the business at hand – namely instigating a race war from the presidential bully pulpit.

“Al is a con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score. Just doing his thing”, Trump said, on the way to accusing Sharpton of “intimidating Comcast/NBC”. Sharpton, the president shouted, “Hates Whites & Cops!”

If ever there were a case of the pot calling the kettle… err… white (?), it’s Trump calling someone else a “a con man” and a “troublemaker”.

Sharpton responded with this:

Minutes later, Trump got back to Cummings. “Baltimore, under the leadership of Elijah Cummings, has the worst Crime Statistics in the Nation”, Trump said, before insisting that he’s “So tired of listening to the same old Bull”.

Not once over the past three days of attacks has Trump mentioned that, arguably, the White House has far more power to effect change in inner cities than any one congressman. In 2015, by contrast, Trump seemed to believe that the commander-in-chief was the man for the job when it came to fixing the city’s problems.

The president continued on Monday:

If the Democrats are going to defend the Radical Left “Squad” and King Elijah’s Baltimore Fail, it will be a long road to 2020. The good news for the Dems is that they have the Fake News Media in their pocket! Al Sharpton would always ask me to go to his events. He would say, “it’s a personal favor to me.” Seldom, but sometimes, I would go. It was fine. He came to my office in T.T. during the presidential campaign to apologize for the way he was talking about me. Just a conman at work!

Needless to say, Trump has just made this situation immeasurably worse, unless you think it’s a positive development that the President of the United States, a man who is supposed to be the nation’s moral leader, is inflaming still more racial tensions.

This will be the third consecutive week that lawmakers on both sides of the aisle will be forced to either decry or defend (depending on which party they’re from) Trump’s Twitter attacks on people of color.

Trump is right about one thing, though. It will in fact be “a long road to 2020”.


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2 thoughts on “‘Hates Whites!’ Trump Takes On Al Sharpton, ‘King Elijah’ In Third Day Of Wild Racist Meltdown

  1. I wonder if this is a playbook any other politician will be able to replicate. For example, say future President Democrat in one week declares a national emergency and diverts Pentagon funding to fight climate change, orders the E.P.A. to ban glyphosate and coal, grants all Central Americans refugee status, replaces the C.I.A. director with Michael Moore, and gets into a YouTube beef with James Woods. I wonder if Fox News and the right-wing noise machine would just short circuit and concentrate on the YouTube war while the demos looked forward to the release of Madden ’23 and the animated reboot of Avengers Endgame? Policy progression just by overloading the limited attention spans and interests of all involved?

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