After Long, Absurd Day, House Votes To Condemn Trump’s AOC, Omar Attacks As Racist

On Tuesday morning, we wrote that "with the possible exception of Steve King, it's difficult to imagine there is anybody on Capitol Hill who is excited about the prospect of having their picture superimposed atop the phrase 'Go back to the crime-infested places from which you came'". As it turns out, we may have given Republicans too much credit. Upon closer inspection, Louisiana Republican Ralph Abraham (whose Twitter banner features a picture of him posing with a grinning Trump) had already

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8 thoughts on “After Long, Absurd Day, House Votes To Condemn Trump’s AOC, Omar Attacks As Racist

  1. Will Trump now cite this House vote as proof that the Democratic party has capitulated to the political left?


    Will this theme be regurgitated throughout the 2020 elections no matter who are the nominees (for all offices) or what are their actual platforms?

    Of course.

    He benefited greatly from the circus that he created in 2016, and he plans to capitalize on emotion and sensationalism again.

    1. Exactly, the focus is all wrong here. The condemnation should be for ‘dividing the country with gaslighting, misinformation and outright lies’ , nothing more nothing less. Instead they are playing fox games by biting hook line and sinker on race baiting and handing Trump the ammunition to have a field day with ‘his good ol American/Capitalist team’. They can parade the ‘dumocrats have done me wrong by calling me racist’ and chant ‘go back if you don’t love, go back if you don’t love!’

  2. Waxing philosophical here. I have always liked the US two-party system, as contrasted with the typical European system of multiple parties and coalition governments, because – my theory here – one party is definitively in control of each branch of the Federal government and often of the entire Federal government, and has the ability to institute its policies. Which means that the voters periodically get to see, clearly and unambiguously, what that party stands for and who it serves. This is one of those times. How the voters will react, we’ll see, but they’ll know very plainly what their choices are.

    1. The two-party system is just an accident of first-past-the-post electoral system and can be legislated away simply. I would argue that the Democratic Party, composed as it is of Joe Manchin and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is a broader coalition than most multi-party governing ones in Europe.

      The Republicans are going by the Ben Franklin dictum “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” They are a minority party. They know it; that is why they adore the Electoral College, gerrymandering, voter suppression, and random immigrant raids and Census tampering. After the Trump fetishism passes, all of their disparate and contradictory neo-con, paleo-con, and theo-con ideologies will come back to the fore and they will tear each other to pieces too.

      Federalism, the supposedly non-partisan judicial branch, bureaucracy, independent agencies, minority power in the Senate, and voter apathy also, in my mind, squash the notion that parties ever really translate any platform into actual policy.

  3. Unfortunately this just plays perfectly to the ‘silent majority’, they will now have even more ammo to be offended by being called ‘racist’. So now they can say yep; they hate America, they are communist/socialist (code for ‘anti-freedom’ aka ‘take my guns’) and the cherry on top is ‘I’ve got lots of black friends and now your calling me racist’. Check mate RNC, de-educate, divide, jerrymander and retain power/status quo. Trump is truly a bait and switch master.

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