Why The Fed May Not Be Able To Cut Rates, According To Goldman
The concept of "insurance cuts" is all the rage these days as traders and analysts work to conceptualize rate cuts when unemployment is parked at a five-decade low and the economy is still performing reasonably well (recent signs of deceleration notwithstanding).
Just three months back, rate cuts seemed like an absurd proposition to everyone except Donald Trump, Stephen Moore and Larry Kudlow, all of whom loudly insisted that the MAGA mandate demanded the Powell Fed atone for its December sins.
Maybe it is just a real estate guy needing to roll over a whole lot of bad debt who is kevetching about rates being too high.
I have always believed this to be the case
Great post……..to manipulate or not to manipulate…that is the question.!!!
So, does this mean that Powell has been in affect been made a king maker? If there are no cuts through until the election that the economy will suffer and Trump will not be elected to a second term?