Trump To Stephanopoulos, In The Back Of A Moving Car: Jerome Powell Kinda Sucks
Apparently unsatisfied that he's made his point, Donald Trump went after Jerome Powell again, less than a week ahead of a crucial Fed meeting where, thanks in no small part to trade tensions, the FOMC will be forced to tip imminent rate cuts or risk disappointing market expectations.
“[Jerome Powell] is my pick -- and I disagree with him entirely", Trump told ABC's George Stephanopoulos, while driving around in the backseat of a car. “Frankly, if we had a different person in the Federal Res
In the real world this process is called a Hobson’s choice …..or maybe painting yourself in the corner (in this case with Crazy Glue )
I consistently get the sense he’s actually talking about his personal portfolio (not the union)
Totally agree
Apply the corporate America standard
If a CEO at his sole descension hires a CFO who does not perform to that CEO”s desire, firing that CFO would influence the board of that company to seriously question that CEO’s judgement
After that it is quickly down the slippery slope to “spending more time with my family” for the CEO
Doesn’t Trump know that the decision to raise or cut rates is a majority decision, not Powell’s alone?
I entertain the far-out thought that Powell, by giving Bluto the finger, might just save us. Hell, the damage done to the markets would be recovered in jig time, anyway. Four more years of the man would be like reliving middle school after already having done that. Only Bill Murray would play the part of Bluto in that movie.
So, the world will burn if we remain at a paltry 2% interest rate?