As China Threatens Yuan Shorts With ‘Huge Losses’, Here’s The Ultimate Irony
Late Thursday, Wilbur Ross "put foreign exporters on notice that the Department of Commerce can countervail currency subsidies that harm US industries”.
The statement, which accompanied an announcement of the initiation of proposed rule-making, effectively means that in the future, the US may slap tariffs on top of tariffs if Treasury determines a given country is engaged in competitive devaluation.
Read more: Did The Trump Administration Just Announce A Major Currency Escalation?
The news
And just how much of your wealth is in physical gold and or silver today?
none. i would never own gold or silver. under any circumstances outside of the casing on a watch
Well, that was a short sharp shock to a (?) goldbug. I believe that’s the only definitive investment declaration you’ve ever made. I’m surprised you did it.
He made it understood in other occasions he doesn’t own gold. My idea is that he’s 70- 90% invested in SPX, simple buy and hold. 10%-30% cash
I get not having gold. What is amusing to me is the utter disdain for them, on par with voting for Trump or cooking clear meth.
I’ve said that a ton over the past couple of years – https://heisenbergreport.com/2017/09/18/valueless-valuables/
Your funny
H….could post convincingly on any asset class pro or con…. at the drop of a hat .The purpose of the web sight is not that , as he views it. The anonymous persona translates into other aspects of what we all see here and keep coming back for apparently.. So folks, take the positives as you see them because the future is very cloudy and ambiguous … It’s a little like being in a casino and once your numbers pop up you get to be a hero for a day…but only a day…In the end it boils down to would you rather be known as smart or rich….Both is preferable lol…. As for gold , it is skewed by paper gold positions which render it part and parcel of the dollar Hegemony……for a while…..but not forever..