In The Future, US Presidents Are Only Safe Because Don McGahn Defied A Congressional Subpoena On May 21, 2019

Don McGahn hopes Jerry Nadler will forgive him for not showing up to testify at a scheduled hearing on Capitol Hill Tuesday. See, it's not so much that Don doesn't want to come (he doesn't, but that's not the problem), as much as it is that Donald Trump won't let him. As we wrote back on April 22, when Nadler subpoenaed McGahn, Don would be the odds-on favorite for “best supporting actor” if the Mueller probe were an international crime drama or, say, a spy thriller. Read more: Don McGa

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3 thoughts on “In The Future, US Presidents Are Only Safe Because Don McGahn Defied A Congressional Subpoena On May 21, 2019

  1. Find some courage and get on with the impeachment. This side show nonsense in getting old. Of course no one is going to show up when the only purpose is to destroy their reputation at best and will most likely result in the witness being accused of lying and be financially ruined by having to defend himself against phony perjury charges. The witness has only two alternatives: tell the committee what it wants to hear, or face ruin. The better alternative for all is to say the donald won’t let me testify. Knock off this transparent political nonsense and get on with impeachment.