Death By A Thousand Tweets

Generally speaking, Twitter is a soul-sucking, hellscape that's immeasurably inimical to public discourse - a digital black hole that tempts otherwise sane people to do silly things, like engage with bots and follow accounts run by outlets and individuals known for the dissemination of misinformation and propaganda. Simply watching other people argue on Twitter has become something of a national pastime, like rubbernecking the aftermath of a car accident on the highway. I try my best to avoid i

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6 thoughts on “Death By A Thousand Tweets

  1. I may be a Luddite, but I’ve studiously avoided Twitter (I see POTUS’s tweets, at least the most controversial ones, via other channels, such as H here or CNN) and see no reason to go down that rabbit hole.

  2. As H says, “I’m often tempted to delete my Twitter account altogether. The only thing that stays my hand is the fact that there’s no wire service on the planet capable of delivering news as quickly as Twitter…”


    I’ve never used FB, but I’m on twitter for trading news – it’s easy enough to ‘mute’ terms like ‘trump’ etc which cleans it up immensely.

  3. Excellent post. I use twitter primarily to see what journalists, political writers, literary people (verified ones) are writing, as well as a few people whose insight I value. I block Trump, his cult followers and other extremists, and this cuts down on the chatter significantly. I do find it useful: it led me to this site!