Trade, The Fed, Navarro And Trump ‘The Human Third Rail’: Gary Cohn’s Full Interview With Freakonomics

The last time we checked in on "poor" Gary Cohn, his name was popping up in Bob Woodward’s “Fear”, a rather unflattering portrayal of the Trump White House. Basically, the book paints a picture of a president who is perpetually on the brink of making momentous decisions with seemingly little in the way of regard for the consequences. Woodward's account documents a tumultuous two years, during which the president's cabinet, aides and advisors careened from incredulous to terrified and at t

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4 thoughts on “Trade, The Fed, Navarro And Trump ‘The Human Third Rail’: Gary Cohn’s Full Interview With Freakonomics

  1. 60% of the population of America knows we have lying, cheating, uneducated, impulsive knuckle dragger for a President…..what’s wrong with the Republicans in Congress and his free basing ‘base’. using populist mantras on twitter posts as Gospel from God himself?

  2. Gary Cohn stays by his own admission very close to the economics of America…If one superimposes world geopolitical variations and Foreign policy into the mix best example being Silk Road initiatives in Eurasia you can see a much more complex scenario than Cohn describes here.. A very interesting post none the less… Primary issue is Trumps people are inept at the Geopolitics just as they are inept at the Macro Economics.