Of Course Nomura’s Charlie McElligott Knows What’s Wrong With Stocks On Monday…

Factor exposures always seem to matter more on the drawdown days. That's a quote attributed to "every equities PM ever" by Nomura's Charlie McElligott (quoth PMs, quoth Charlie), who is out with an afternoon blast on a day when US equities struggled mightily despite the trade rumor mill being cranked into overdrive. Some might be inclined to call Monday's palpable risk-off mood on Wall Street a manifestation of the market losing patience with the never-ending political discord inside the Beltw

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3 thoughts on “Of Course Nomura’s Charlie McElligott Knows What’s Wrong With Stocks On Monday…

  1. Everyone’s looking for the machine where you put some money in and all of a sudden even more money gets spit back out. Bernanke called it the wealth effect, Barry Silbert called it crypto, Warren Buffet called it Apple, I still call it a bubble…but Roger Waters just called it the machine.

    Sounds like Charlie McElligott has quite a machine of his own.

    1. Kind of interesting analogy and I’ll surely agree Charlie is on a roll and his work is easily understood… We should never forget that the rules can change suddenly in this business and Pac-man still lurks around the corner.