Trump Demands You ‘Stop Playing Games’ With Him, Insists You ‘Call Walls Walls’ (No More ‘Wheels’, No More ‘Peaches’)

If you were wondering how bipartisan talks aimed at striking a comprehensive immigration deal are progressing, you needn't speculate, because Donald Trump took to Twitter on Thursday morning to deliver a veritable deluge of exclamation point-ridden balderdash. It was clear from the moment Trump caved to Nancy Pelosi last Friday that the President would be immediately confronted with all manner of feigned incredulity and simulated anger from the right-wing echo chamber. Predictably, Ann Coulter

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3 thoughts on “Trump Demands You ‘Stop Playing Games’ With Him, Insists You ‘Call Walls Walls’ (No More ‘Wheels’, No More ‘Peaches’)

  1. Since the movie came out about June 2018, he must have viewed it in the WH theater. Who watched it with him? Jared and Jr., McTurtle and Miss Lindsay? He has described the scenes from the movie perfectly, women in vans with taped mouths, prayer rugs found in the desert, etc.

    The only question is does he know it was only a movie and is clearly lying about the threat at the border OR does he think it was a national security report and a prepared documentary? Someone really should confront him when he starts on his rant again. Regardless of his response, it is a lose lose answer!

    Either way it is past time for the 25th to be applied — call in the military, hog tie and haul his ass out of there! And any damned senator who objects goes with him!

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