Michael Cohen Cancels Congressional Testimony Because The President Is Threatening Him, Which Is Totally Normal
Well, America won't hear from Michael Cohen early next month.
The spectacle that would have been Cohen's testimony to the House Oversight Committee on February 7 has now been "postponed" by Cohen himself and the rationale is highly amusing.
"Mr. Cohen volunteered to testify [but] due to ongoing threats against his family from President Trump and Mr. Giuliani, as recently as this weekend, as well as Mr. Cohen's continued cooperation with ongoing investigations, by advice of counsel, Mr. Cohen's
Now we have a Fascist regime in the White House.
A typical Mob tactic.
Lucca Brazzi sleeps with the fishes …
When Cohen talks about threats directed at him and his family, I wonder: Is he talking about financial, “you’ll never work in this town again” kind of threats? Or is he talking about actual physical threats? Because if the latter, then the U.S. House of Representatives should start impeachment proceedings against this motherf*cker, like, yesterday.