‘You Can Hear He Was Tortured’: Turkey Has Audio Of Khashoggi Murder, But Trump Doesn’t Care Because ‘Arms Deals!’

There's no nice way to put this, so I'll just come right out and say it: Donald Trump is worried that if he puts pressure on Mohammed bin Salman over the alleged murder of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi, the U.S. will lose a lucrative arms deal with Riyadh. I know that sounds bad but ... actually, there is no "but". It's just plain old bad. Here's what Trump said, while speaking to inquisitive reporters in the Oval Office on Thursday:   Got that? Trump doesn't

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2 thoughts on “‘You Can Hear He Was Tortured’: Turkey Has Audio Of Khashoggi Murder, But Trump Doesn’t Care Because ‘Arms Deals!’

  1. Wow… so the Turks go after the Saudis by shining a light on the disgusting underbelly of corrupt power. And, yup, appears the pres is going to look the other way as long as he possibly can, then invoke MO of painting it over so as to confuse the facts. It is time to end support for the Saudi led proxy war with the Iranians. Call out MBS. He / the Saudis will still play ball with us because of their fear of the Iranians and the desire to choke them with sanctions. Let’s put more effort into supporting US oil production growth and less into keeping ME oil flowing!

    1. Isn’t it about time we lifted this fake veil and showed who the real enemy is. Who had their hand in 9/11? Who continues to treat the other tribes (i.e., Shi’a, Houtis) of Islam like they were the Saudis’ slaves? Who continuously bombs women and children in Yemen, even if they’re Sunni?

      Besides Russia, N. Korea, Israel, the U.S. and many other nations that have committed extranational murders, Saudi Arabia joins this elite group. But, it is becoming more blatant and We Must Stand Up Against This Behavior!!